New blog: Release of the 3rd Cigarette Tax Scorecard. Read more.
New blog: Release of the 3rd Cigarette Tax Scorecard.
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Country Factsheets Sources

  1. Intro
    Number of deaths: GBD 2019
  2. Adult Prevalence
    15+ years old; 2019: WHO RGTE 2021 estimates (Table 10) and IHME GBD 2019
    Number of smokers by sex: GBD 2019
  3. Youth Prevalence
    10-14 years old; 2019: GBD 2019
    Number of smokers by sex: GBD 2019
  4. Smokelsss
    % using smokeless tobacco daily: WHO
  5. Deaths
    Tobacco-caused deaths by sex (2019): GBD 2019
  6. Societal Harms
    Economic cost of smoking for each country: Based on methodology used in Goodchild et al.,2018
    Economic cost of smoking globally: Based on methodology used in Goodchild et al.,2018
  7. Industry
    Revenues of the 6 largest companies in 2022: Company income Statement
    GNI of each country in 2022: World Bank
    Tobacco production (in ton): Euromonitor
    Tobacco growing (% of agricultural land devoted to tobacco cultivation): World Bank and Euromonitor
    Production (count of cigarettes produced in the country): Euromonitor
  8. Smokefree
    Public places with smoke-free legislation: RGTE 2021 Table 6.1
    Funds for enforcement: RGTE 2021 Table 6.2
  9. Offer help
    Support for treatment tobacco dependence: RGTE 2021 Table 6.4
    Packaging Type of warning and % coverage of health warnings: RGTE 2021 Table 6.5
    Plain packaging: RGTE 2021 Table 6.7
  10. Mass Media
    Anti-tobacco mass media campaigns: RGTE 2021 Table 6.9
  11. Tax
    Cigarette Tax Scorecard Cigarette Tax: Scorecard 2nd edition
  12. Advertising
    Direct advertising: RGTE 2021 Table 6.10
    Indirect advertising: RGTE 2021 Table 6.11
    Ad ban Compliance: RGTE 2021 Table 6.10 and 6.11